North Fork Rancheria Casino California


North Fork Rancheria Casino Project

An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) has been completed that assesses the environmental consequences of the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians’ (Tribe) application to have the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) take 7 parcels totaling 305 acres into Federal trust for a casino and hotel resort. In addition to the trust acquisition for gaming purposes, the proposed action includes approval by the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) of a gaming management contract between Stations Casino’s SC Madera Management, LLC and the Tribe. The proposed site (Madera site) is located in southwest Madera County, just north of the City of Madera and adjacent to State Route 99. The Record of Decision approving the EIS and the Madera site was issued by the BIA in November 2012. The Madera site is now held in federal trust for the benefit of the Tribe.

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